
Anticipatory Governance refers to a forward-looking form of governance aimed at recognizing potential future developments early and being prepared for them. This approach relies on proactive analysis of trends and scenarios to make political decisions in advance, minimizing risks and increasing security. The goal is to flexibly respond to upcoming challenges and design a more resilient and sustainable society in the long term.

Creative Brainstorming: Making Idea Generation Easy 

Brainstorming is a creative technique in which a group of people spontaneously and informally collects ideas on a specific topic. 

Brainstorming in a Nutshell

  • Meaning and Application: Brainstorming serves as a creative method for collecting and structuring ideas on a specific topic, such as factors, ideas, trends, projects, risks, and similar subjects. It often takes place before the actual research work begins.
  • Conducting the Analysis: Reflect on all topics, terms, and subdivisions mentioned and discussed, evaluate the collected ideas and entities, and decide how to proceed with the results.
  • Strengths of the Method: Brainstorming is a creative method for idea generation and problem-solving in groups. The goal is to generate a multitude of ideas. Brainstorming can also be used when other techniques no longer provide solutions.
  • Weaknesses and Challenges: One of the biggest challenges is the reliance on the participation of employees and brainstorming participants. Additionally, group dynamic conflicts can influence the results.

Introduction to Brainstorming: What It Is and Why It’s Important 

Brainstorming is a technique that helps people generate creative ideas and solutions for various problems or topics. In this method, participants are invited to express their thoughts and ideas openly and without restrictions. The objective is to produce a large number of ideas in a short period and later select the best solutions. 

It’s important to emphasise that brainstorming isn’t limited to creative processes like art or design; it can also be useful in other areas, such as science, technology, business, and society. 

It’s a collaborative method that brings people with different backgrounds and perspectives together, increasing the potential for new, unexpected ideas and innovative solutions. 

Additionally, brainstorming allows people to express their thoughts freely without fear of criticism or negative feedback. 

The participants in this brainstorming process function as a team within this framework, creating a positive atmosphere that instils a sense of security and encourages open communication. This leads to more shared thoughts and generated ideas, which benefits both the idea collection and subsequent idea evaluation process. 

Thus, a strategically used brainstorming session can be a valuable tool for quickly solving problems in a business context. 

In summary, brainstorming is an important instrument for solving problems creatively and developing new ideas. 

Fundamentals of Brainstorming: Rules and Preparation 

The fundamentals of brainstorming include the following rules and preparations: 

Free and informal idea generation: Each participant should be able to express their thoughts freely and openly, without fear of criticism or negative feedback. 

Quantity over quality: The goal of brainstorming is to produce as many ideas as possible, even if they might initially be incomplete or unclear. 

Combining and improving ideas: Participants should be encouraged to combine and improve ideas to find new solutions. Collaborative work activities where everyone can contribute should take place. 

A moderator should lead the group: A facilitator should ensure that all participants are equally involved, that there’s no discrimination, and that the rules of brainstorming are followed. Moderation can also be important for orderly transitions into the next phases of brainstorming. 

Preparation of the topic and environment: The topic should be clearly formulated and understandable to create a common ground. An appropriate environment should be created that fosters open communication and a positive atmosphere. 

Time limit and goal setting: A time limit should be set to ensure that the brainstorming group can generate many ideas within a specific timeframe. The goal should be well-defined, allowing the group to focus on what’s essential. 

These basic rules and preparations are important to ensure that brainstorming is effective and productive, and that the group achieves its intended goal. When these foundations are considered, brainstorming can be a creative process that yields many new ideas and solutions. 

Various Brainstorming Methods: Benefits and Applications 

There are various types of brainstorming methods, each with its own benefits and suitable for different situations. Here are some of the most well-known methods: 

Classic Brainstorming: In this method, groups of people work together to produce as many ideas as possible. There are no restrictions or guidelines, and every participant is invited to express their thoughts freely. This method is particularly suitable for idea generation in groups and can be used in various contexts. 

Mind Mapping: This method focuses on visually representing ideas and concepts. A central theme is noted in the middle of a page, and then branches are drawn from this central theme to explore new ideas and connections. Mind Mapping is an effective method for organising and structuring complex ideas. 

Brainwriting: In this method, participants write down their ideas on cards or post-its instead of expressing them verbally. The cards are then collected, and the group can read and combine them to find new ideas and solutions. This method can be useful to ensure that every participant can express their ideas and that they all are heard. 

Rapid Ideation: In this brainstorming method, participants have limited time to produce their ideas. They are encouraged to act quickly and impulsively to produce as many ideas as possible. This method is particularly useful when a group needs to quickly find solutions to an urgent problem. 

Reverse Brainstorming: In this method, the problem is looked at in reverse, by considering how it could be worsened or exacerbated. The goal is to gain new perspectives and ideas to better understand the problem and find creative solutions. 

Each of these methods has its own advantages, depending on the nature of the problem and the group dynamics. Some benefits include: 

  • Increased involvement of group members
  • Improved organisation of ideas
  • Faster generation of solutions
  • Increased motivation of group members
  • Enhanced creativity and innovation

These methods can be applied in various contexts such as business, education, art, or science. 

Common Challenges in Brainstorming and How to Overcome Them 

During brainstorming, several challenges can arise that can affect the success of idea generation. Here are some common challenges and possible solutions: 

Dominant Personalities: Sometimes, certain participants can be more dominant than others, dominating the discussion process. In this case, a facilitator can intervene to ensure that every participant is equally involved. For instance, the facilitator can ask the dominant participant to hold back their ideas, giving others a chance to share their ideas. 

Groupthink: Groupthink occurs when a group quickly focuses on a certain idea and ignores other potential solutions. To avoid groupthink, group members can be encouraged to express unconventional ideas and consider alternative perspectives. 

Criticism: In a brainstorming process, participants should be able to express their thoughts and ideas freely without immediate criticism. Criticism can hinder motivation and lead participants to withhold their thoughts. To avoid this, participants should be encouraged to openly express their ideas, and they should be motivated to provide constructive feedback with explanations instead of criticism. 

Lack of Preparation: Adequate preparation is essential for effective brainstorming and its execution. If participants aren’t adequately prepared, it can slow down or hinder the discussion process. One solution could be to provide participants with a list of questions or topics in advance for them to think about and prepare. 

Time Management: Another common issue in brainstorming is time management. If a group discusses an idea for too long or if there are too many ideas, the process can become lengthy. One possible solution is to limit the time each participant has for their ideas and thoughts or to set a time limit for the entire session. 

By considering these challenges and possible solutions, groups can ensure that their brainstorming sessions are successful and yield the best possible results. 

Tips and Tricks for Successful a Brainstorming Session 

Here are some tips and tricks for a successful brainstorming session: 

  • Create a positive and supportive atmosphere to encourage creativity. Start with a friendly greeting and encourage participants to share their ideas openly without fear of criticism. 
  • Use visual aids like flipcharts or whiteboards to make ideas visible. This helps structure the discussion process and promote creativity. 
  • Encourage participants to express unconventional and unusual ideas. Sometimes, the best solutions emerge from unexpected corners. 
  • Record all ideas without evaluating them. It’s important for every participant to be heard, and no idea should be rejected. Ideas can be discussed and evaluated later. 
  • Set a clear time limit for the session to ensure efficiency. This helps maintain focus on the problem or topic and prevents discussions from becoming sidetracked. 
  • Ensure equal participation from all participants. Moderation can be helpful in ensuring that everyone’s voice is heard. 
  • Use technology such as online brainstorming tools to support collaboration and idea generation. 

By considering these tips and tricks, groups can conduct successful brainstorming sessions and achieve the best possible results. 

Getting the Most Out of a Brainstorming Meeting 

A structured flow through the different phases allows for defining the most suitable solution. 


To get the most out of brainstorming, ideas should be structured and organised after the brainstorming session to eliminate duplicates and group similar ideas. 


After an initi structuring, ideas should be prioritised to focus on the most important solutions. In addition, ideas can be developed further by combining them with other ideas. 


After brainstorming, reflection and evaluation should take place to assess how well the brainstorming session went and what can be improved. It can be helpful to define clear goals for brainstorming to maintain focus and ensure that the ideas address the desired outcome. 

By following these steps, one can make the most of brainstorming and find effective solutions. 

The Role of the Facilitator in Brainstorming 

The facilitator in brainstorming plays a crucial role in ensuring the session runs effectively and generates the best ideas. The facilitator should be able to motivate, inspire, and guide participants to create a productive environment. 

The facilitator should remain neutral and not favor or reject ideas to promote participants’ creativity. 

Overall, the facilitator’s role in brainstorming is vital in creating a productive environment to generate the best possible ideas. 

Facilitator’s Skills 

The facilitator’s skills also include understanding brainstorming rules, maintaining a positive mood, and encouraging participants to generate new ideas. The facilitator should also be able to moderate discussions and ensure everyone is heard. 

Facilitator’s Responsibilities 

The facilitator’s responsibilities also encompass preparing and planning the brainstorming session, setting goals and timelines, ensuring rule adherence, and recording ideas. After the session, it’s the facilitator’s responsibility to structure and prioritise ideas to create a summary of the best ideas. 

Using Technology in Brainstorming: Pros and Cons 

Using technology in brainstorming can offer many benefits but also includes some drawbacks. 

Benefits include: 

Enhanced collaboration: Technology allows people in different locations to participate in brainstorming, facilitating collaboration. 

Multiple platforms: Numerous tools and platforms can support brainstorming, such as mind-mapping software, online whiteboards, or video conferencing systems. This gives participants the option to choose technology that suits their needs. 

Increased efficiency: Technology can save time and effort by collecting and organising ideas more quickly. 

However, there are also disadvantages: 

Technology issues: Technical problems like poor internet connections, delays, or low audio and video quality can hinder communication and reduce the effectiveness of brainstorming. 

Distraction: Technology can also lead to distractions, such as checking emails or social media, which can reduce productivity. 

Lack of interaction: The use of technology can lead to a lack of interaction and personal connection. 

Connecting Brainstorming with Other Creative Processes 

Brainstorming can play a crucial role in complementing other creative processes and creativity techniques. Some ways to connect brainstorming with other creative processes include: 

Idea generation: Brainstorming can serve as a tool for idea generation, developing new approaches and perspectives. 

Idea generation: Brainstorming can serve as a tool for idea generation, developing new approaches and perspectives. 

Prototyping: After idea generation and selecting the most promising ideas, brainstorming can be used to develop prototypes. 

Mind mapping: Brainstorming can serve as a foundation for creating mind maps to visualise ideas and concepts and identify connections. 

Storytelling: Brainstorming can be used in conjunction with the storytelling process to develop and refine ideas and concepts that will be told in a story. 

Using brainstorming in conjunction with other creative processes can help develop new perspectives and improve the effectiveness of overall processes.  

However, techniques and methods should be adapted to the specific requirements of each creative process to achieve the best results. 

Case Studies of Successful Brainstorming Sessions: Lessons and Insights 

Case studies of successful brainstorming sessions offer valuable lessons and insights that can help improve future brainstorming sessions. Some key lessons and insights that can be drawn from these case studies are: 

  • Creating a positive and open atmosphere enhances creativity: An open and positive atmosphere can encourage participants to share their ideas and help the group feel comfortable and receptive to new ideas. 
  • Clear goal-setting and structuring are crucial: Clear goal-setting and structuring of brainstorming can help maintain focus and ensure that the ideas align with the desired outcome. 
  • Diversity in the group can foster creativity: A diverse group with different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences can lead to the development of diverse ideas and solutions. 
  • Adequate preparation and planning are essential: Careful preparation and planning, such as selecting the right techniques and setting up a suitable space, can contribute to a smooth brainstorming process. 
  • The use of technology can have both pros and cons: Technology can assist in organising and structuring ideas, but it can also distract and impair interpersonal communication. 
  • Appropriate follow-up and implementation are critical: Reflecting on and evaluating the brainstorming process, as well as implementing the best ideas, are vital for success. 

By considering these lessons and insights, future brainstorming sessions can be improved and made more successful. 

Frequently asked questions and answers  

Brainstorming is a creative process in which a group of people generates ideas for a specific topic or problem. 

In a brainstorming session, a group collects ideas on a specific topic. The creativity of participants is stimulated, aiming to generate as many different ideas as possible. The group is free to associate and express ideas without immediate evaluation. The goal of brainstorming is to find a wide range of possible solutions, which are later structured and evaluated. 

Brainstorming is conducted to gather a variety of ideas and find creative solutions to a problem or question. The method is particularly suitable for generating new approaches, considering alternative perspectives, and developing innovative ideas. Brainstorming promotes collaboration and idea exchange within a group and can help expand the pool of ideas through the broad process of ideation, resulting in better solutions than individuals could achieve alone. Overall, brainstorming can contribute to more effective and creative work, leading to successful outcomes. 

In brainstorming, ideas are collected within a group without immediate evaluation or criticism. The goal is to generate as many ideas as possible, including unusual or seemingly unrealistic ones. The ideas are later evaluated and further developed. 

Brainstorming can lead to a multitude of ideas that involve all group members. It promotes collaboration, engagement, and a sense of belonging. Moreover, it can lead to innovative solutions that traditional methods might not discover. 

At times, brainstorming can result in an unstructured flow of ideas that are difficult to sort and evaluate. There’s also a risk of certain group members dominating the discussion, suppressing other ideas or voices. Additionally, involving all group members can be challenging. Moderation of the brainstorming session plays a key role in this regard. 

The duration of a brainstorming session depends on the complexity of the topic and the size of the group. Typically, a brainstorming session lasts between 30 minutes and an hour. 

Ideally, between 5 and 12 people should participate in a brainstorming session. Too many participants can lead to unstructured discussions, while too few can result in a lack of ideas and perspectives. 

Ideas can be evaluated through a rating matrix, a group vote, or using criteria. The evaluation should be based on the goals and purpose of the brainstorming session. 

The moderator or facilitator can ensure that every participant has a chance to present their ideas. This can be done through a round of sharing ideas or by using cards and pens to ensure that everyone notes down their ideas. 

Yes, online brainstorming can be conducted via video or chat platforms. There are also specialized software and tools developed for online brainstorming. 

Open brainstorming allows participants to freely express any ideas that come to mind. Closed brainstorming has specific restrictions or criteria that limit ideas, such as a certain budget or target audience.” 


  • Integration of the fish bone diagram, brainstorming, and AHP method for problem solving and decision making—a case study von Amir-Abbas Yazdani & Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam: Last access: 19.01.2024
  • Paulus, P.B., & Nijstad, B.A. (2003). Group Creativity: Innovation Through Collaboration. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. : Last access: 19.01.2024
  • Diehl, M., & Stroebe, W. (1991). Productivity loss in brainstorming groups: Toward the solution of a riddle. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 61(3), 392-407.: 19.01.2024
  • Osborn, A.F. (1957). Applied imagination: Principles and procedures of creative thinking. New York: Scribner.: Last access: 19.01.2024