
"Ideation" refers to systematic techniques for generating new and creative ideas, often in a collaborative environment. It employs various methods such as brainstorming, mind mapping, and design thinking to encourage creative thinking and develop innovative solutions for specific problems. The aim is to produce a wide array of ideas that can then be evaluated and further developed.

Ideation: Idea Generation Method in the Innovation Process

Ideation is a key element of the innovation process, focusing on the structured development of new ideas. This creative approach is designed to explore and promote a wide range of solutions for specific challenges. 

Ideation – At a Glace

  • Significance and Application: The innovation method of Ideation is crucial for creative and systematic idea generation in areas such as product development, service design, and problem-solving. It promotes collaborative work and utilizes structured methods like brainstorming and design thinking.
  • xecution of the Method: During the execution of Ideation, various creative methodologies are employed to generate a wide range of suggestions. Participants work together in open and supportive workshops to develop and evaluate innovative solutions for specific challenges.
  • Strengths of Ideation: As an innovation method, Ideation fosters creative thinking processes and generates a multitude of ideas leading to innovative solutions. It enables the incorporation of diverse perspectives and expertise, enhancing the quality and variety of developed concepts.
  • eaknesses and Challenges: The idea generation method can pose challenges in efficiently evaluating and prioritizing the multitude of generated ideas. Time and resource constraints in companies can hinder implementation, potentially limiting the success of the idea generation process. 

What is Ideation?

Ideation is a creative process aimed at developing innovative solutions for specific problems. By applying structured techniques and methods, this process fosters innovative thinking and uncovers new, unconventional approaches. It strengthens team collaboration and encourages all participants to actively contribute to problem-solving. 

What is an Idea?

An idea is a mental construct that serves as a foundation for new concepts, solutions, or inventions. It often arises from creativity and imagination and can be developed both spontaneously and through structured methods. An idea is the starting point for innovation and progress in various fields. 

Preparation and Execution of the Method

Preparation for the Ideation method begins with clearly defining the problem or challenge to be solved. It is crucial to assemble a diverse team with varying perspectives and expertise. Suitable techniques and tools should also be selected, and a structured plan should be created, outlining the timeline and goals of the Ideation process. 

The execution of Ideation occurs in several phases. First, an open, creative environment is created, encouraging all participants to express ideas freely without restrictions. Various methods like brainstorming, mind mapping, or the 6-3-5 method can be applied to generate a wide range of ideas. Subsequently, the collected ideas are evaluated, filtered, and further developed to identify and refine the most promising concepts for the company. 

Benefits at a Glance

As an idea generation method, Ideation is widely applied in modern organizations and frequently utilized in startups. It promotes collaboration and idea exchange in an open and supportive environment, leading to groundbreaking innovations

These are the benefits at a glance:

  • Promoting Creativity: Ideation techniques encourage participants to develop creative and unconventional ideas that can lead to innovative solutions. 
  • Diverse Perspectives: By involving a diverse community, different viewpoints and expertise can be incorporated, enhancing the quality and breadth of generated ideas. 
  • Teamwork and Engagement: The collaborative process strengthens team cohesion and promotes participant engagement, as they are actively involved in problem-solving. 

Challenges in Ideation

The idea generation process of the Ideation method presents various challenges that can affect the full potential of generated ideas. Effective solutions require overcoming hurdles in time and resource management, systematic evaluation, and successful implementation. 

These are the challenges at a glance:

  • Time and Resource Demand: The Ideation process can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, especially when multiple sessions and extensive preparations are required. 
  • Evaluation and Selection: The multitude of generated ideas can make it challenging to identify and select the most promising concepts, requiring a systematic evaluation process. 
  • Implementation of Ideas: There is a risk that creative ideas may not be realized due to a lack of resources, organizational hurdles, or insufficient management support. 

5 Tips for Successful Ideation

Successful Ideation requires careful planning and execution to fully leverage the method’s potential. With the right strategies, teams can develop innovative and practical solutions that enable real progress. 

Here are five tips to effectively shape the idea generation process and foster great ideas: 

  • Create an Open and Supportive Environment: Foster an atmosphere where all participants can freely express their ideas without fear of criticism. This strengthens trust and creativity within the team. 
  • Use Structured Techniques: Apply proven Ideation methods like brainstorming, mind mapping, or the 6-3-5 method to guide the creative process and ensure diverse and high-quality new ideas. 
  • Set Clear Goals and Boundaries: Define the problem or challenge precisely and set clear goals for the Ideation session. This helps participants stay focused and develop targeted ideas. 
  • Promote Team Diversity: Involve individuals with different backgrounds, expertise, and perspectives. A heterogeneous group can generate more versatile ideas than a homogeneous one. 
  • Systematically Document and Evaluate Ideas: Record all ideas and develop an evaluation system to identify the best approaches. This facilitates tracking and further developing the most promising concepts. 

Frequently asked questions and answers

The idea generation method “Ideation” encompasses systematic techniques for creatively developing new ideas and products in a collaborative environment. It aims to explore diverse approaches and find innovative solutions for specific challenges. 

Ideation software, such as the Foresight Strategy Cockpit, helps collect ideas generated through the Ideation process. It allows these ideas to be transformed into trends, technologies, and risks, which can then be evaluated and implemented. 

Design Thinking is a systematic approach to complex problem-solving in various fields. Unlike many other scientific approaches that serve similar tasks, Design Thinking focuses on people. User needs and desires are at the center of the Design Thinking process. 

Ideation is a central phase in the Design Thinking process, focusing on the creative generation of ideas or products to address previously defined user needs and problems. Design Thinking encompasses several phases, including understanding, defining, ideating, prototyping, and testing, with the Ideation phase playing a key role in developing innovative solution approaches. Both methods emphasize collaborative work and user-centricity to develop practical and creative solutions. 


  • Benedek, M., Beaty, R.E., Schacter, D.L. et al. The role of memory in creative ideation. Nat Rev Psychol 2, 246–257 (2023).
  • Maaravi, Y., Heller, B., Shoham, Y. et al. Ideation in the digital age: literature review and integrative model for electronic brainstorming. Rev Manag Sci 15, 1431–1464 (2021).