
"Wind-tunneling" is a method used in decision-making, especially in scenario planning, to assess the resilience of strategies or plans under different future conditions. It involves testing the viability of these strategies by simulating various external forces or changes, such as economic, technological, or environmental shifts. This process helps organizations identify potential weaknesses and adapt their plans to withstand a range of possible scenarios.

Wind-Tunneling: Ensuring Strategy Resilience Against Future Scenarios

Wind tunneling is a forward-looking strategy that enables organizations to test the robustness of their plans by creating hypothetical future scenarios and simulating external influences. This method helps ensure that strategies are prepared to handle unpredictable forces.

Wind-Tunneling – At a Glace

  • Significance and Application: This method ensures that strategies remain adaptable and resilient in the face of uncertainty by simulating various scenarios. It helps organizations pinpoint weaknesses and make informed adjustments to strengthen long-term plans.
  • How Wind Tunneling is conducted: By simulating external changes like market shifts or technological advancements, wind tunneling tests strategies against multiple future scenarios, allowing organizations to assess resilience and make improvements.
  • Advantages of the Approach: Wind tunneling uncovers potential vulnerabilities in strategies, prompting adjustments that enhance adaptability. This helps organizations stay prepared for uncertainty and improve their strategic flexibility.
  • Weaknesses and Challenges: Challenges include the difficulty of accurately predicting scenarios, the risk of overanalysis, and the time and resources required, which may limit its feasibility for some organizations.

What is Wind-Tunneling?

Wind-tunneling is a strategic planning method used to test the resilience of decisions or plans by simulating different future scenarios. It helps organizations evaluate how well their strategies hold up against external changes, such as market shifts or technological advancements.

Importance of Wind-Tunneling in foresight strategy

Wind-tunneling is crucial in foresight strategy as it allows organizations to test the robustness of their plans against various potential future scenarios. By simulating external changes, such as economic disruptions or technological breakthroughs, it helps identify vulnerabilities and ensures that strategies are flexible and adaptable. This process enhances long-term resilience and preparedness.

How Wind-Tunneling Works

Wind tunneling, commonly referred to as wind tunnel testing, is a technique used to study the aerodynamic properties of objects such as vehicles, buildings, and aircraft. The process involves creating a controlled environment where air flows over and around a model, allowing researchers to analyze the effects of airflow and aerodynamic forces.

How It Works

  • Model Preparation: A scale model of the object to be tested is constructed, often at a smaller size to fit the tunnel. The model is designed with attention to details that affect aerodynamics.
  • Airflow Generation: Fans create a steady airflow through the tunnel. The speed of the airflow can be adjusted to simulate different conditions.
  • Testing: The model is placed in the test section. As air flows over and around it, aerodynamic forces are generated. Data is collected through measurement instruments.
  • Data Analysis: After the tests, researchers analyze the collected data to evaluate the aerodynamic performance of the model. This may include calculating the coefficient of drag and lift, identifying areas of flow separation, and visualizing airflow patterns.
  • Iterative Design: Based on the results, designers may modify the model to improve its aerodynamic properties. This iterative process may involve multiple rounds of testing and refinement.


Wind tunneling is a crucial tool in engineering and design, providing valuable insights into how objects interact with airflow. By simulating real-world conditions in a controlled environment, engineers can make informed decisions that lead to safer and more efficient designs.

Advantages of Wind-Tunneling

The advantages of wind-tunneling include:

  • Enhanced adaptability: It helps organizations prepare for various future scenarios by identifying weaknesses in strategies, allowing for proactive adjustments.
  • Risk mitigation: By testing plans against potential challenges, wind-tunneling reduces the risk of failure in uncertain or volatile environments.
  • Improved decision-making: It provides insights into how external factors may impact long-term plans, enabling more informed and resilient decision-making.
  • Strategic foresight: Organizations can better anticipate change and develop flexible strategies to remain competitive in shifting markets.

Frequently asked questions and answers

The wind-tunneling method is a strategic tool used to evaluate how well a plan or strategy can withstand various future scenarios. It involves applying different external forces, such as economic shifts or technological advancements, to test the resilience of a strategy. This approach helps organizations identify vulnerabilities and make adjustments to ensure their plans are adaptable to a range of potential outcomes.

The duration of a wind-tunneling process typically varies depending on the complexity of the strategy and the number of scenarios being tested. On average, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months. Shorter processes might focus on a limited set of scenarios, while more comprehensive analyses involve multiple phases, including scenario development, testing, analysis, and strategic adjustments.


  • UNDP – Global Centre for Public Service Excellence (2015): Foresight – The manual